COVID-19: Get the latest information from Christ Church. More Info

Christ Church South Ossett



01924 263311

Christ Church will continue to stream a 10am Sunday Service through YouTube.

For those who wish to attend the church building, the online service will be screened at 10am on Sunday mornings - this is primarily for those without internet access or who particularly value being in the church building.

  • We can only accommodate 23 people, so we will ask you to book ahead You can book by calling 01924 263311 on a Thursday morning 9am-12 and leaving your name, number of seats and contact number.
  • If more than 23 people wish to attend each week, we will have to operate a rota system. This is fairer than ‘first come first served’.
  • When you book, we will take some contact details. These will be kept for 3 weeks after the service and given to Track and Trace if someone from the service later tests positive for coronavirus. They won’t be used for any other reason and if they are not needed for this purpose, they will be securely disposed of after 3 weeks.

We have a full leaflet with guidance on expected behaviour (e.g. what to do when you arrive) and health and safety information which you can see here.

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